Photos So these photos here are a timeline of the past 10 or so years, the first couple are in Florida with my family, it was lovely stayed in a nice little villa there, we went to Disney world which was awesome looking back, although I thought Little 8-9 year old me was too cool for it. Then the picture with me holding a glass ornament was a music award which was awarded within the last week of year 6, very emosh time ngl. Then yeah from there my hair changed about a thousand times so please enjoy August 9, 2019
Videos Re post audio messed up, hope you guys enjoy, if you know this song I’ll be very impressed 😌🎸 August 3, 2019
Photos We spent 2 and a half days filming this mad idea for a video, it was long hours but we pulled through. swipe for some smexy pics August 1, 2019
Videos Wonderful tonight by Eric Clapton, beautiful song, cheers for the big up matey @fovvs 😌 July 29, 2019
Videos Every day it will rain although today it’s boiling so it’s all good 😌 Song: it will rain Artist: @brunomars July 24, 2019